Friday, December 4, 2009

Are You Ready To Reign?

Last month at our “Reign in Life” Women’s Bible Study, God put it on my heart to let us know that it’s Harvest time! The Glory of God is here and that He desires to give us all the blessings and the favor but some of us are just not ready. The word ready simply means to be prepared mentally and physically. It means to be equipped and organized. To reign means to rule, have dominion, and to be on top of. Are there any areas in your life that you need to Reign in? Do you need financial increase, want to start a business, get fit, get married, go to the next level in God? Even though it’s God’s will for us to “Reign in Life!” only those of us who are ready will.

I won’t go into the entire sermon but to give you an overview we went into Numbers Chapter 13 and pulled out some points about being ready. Please go back and read the chapter!

In order to be ready or prepared to reign we must;

a. Know what God said!
God told Moses that He was giving the children of Israel the Land of Canaan! How did Moses know what God Said? Moses was in the presence of God, he was in a position to hear from God. In order for us to know what God said we have to spend time in prayer and in His Word. Many of us are confused about the next phase of our lives. We don’t know what we should be doing with our lives. It could be that we haven’t spent enough time with God to hear what he said! If this is the case don’t worry just get in where you fit in, the presence of God!

b. Be in agreement with what God said.
Now we’re getting somewhere but it’s not enough to know what God said. We must also be in agreement with what God said or it will not come to pass! If God told you that a particular person was your spouse and you said, ”no, I don’t want to marry them!” Even though God said it because you are not in agreement with Him, it’s not coming to pass. After God told Moses that He was giving the children of Israel the land of Canaan, He told Moses to tell them to go spy out the land. The Word spy means to discover, search out, to examine, and explore. Why did God tell them to do this? I believe that God wanted them spy out the land so that they could make sure they were in agreement with what God said and so they could learn how to handle what God was giving them. This was an act of faith for them. When God does or gives us something it’s usually more than our natural mind can fathom! 12 men went to spy out the land. 10 of them came back and said that it could not be done, that there were giants in the land. They said that they were like “grasshoppers” in their eyes. Guess what? Even though God said that they could possess the land that He had already given to them because they operated in fear and did not come into agreement with what God said, they did not get the promise. On the other hand the two men, Caleb and Joshua, who came back and said that they were well able to possess the land actually possessed it. They received the promise of God because they came into agreement with what God said! What about you? Did God put something so big in your heart that it seems nearly impossible to come to pass? Do you feel like a “grasshopper” in the site of experienced giants who are already making it happen? Good that’s how you are supposed to feel. Remember God is with you and he would not give you a desire to do something that you could not do. God and you are a majority! Come into agreement with God and get going, Amen!

c. Make a plan about what God said.
Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Once you come into agreement with God said, make a plan to make it happen. What! I hear somebody saying “Make it happen, I thought God was going to make it happen!” No child of God, he gave you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the power over the enemy and He gave you the power to get wealth! Deut 8:18 and Luke 10:19. Now why would he give you the power if He was going to do it? God will put His super on your natural so that you can flow in the supernatural power of God. Don’t get stuck knowing and agreeing with God but failing to plan it out. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

d. Execute the plan.
James AMP 2:20 Are you willing to be shown [proof], you foolish (unproductive, spiritually deficient) fellow, that faith apart from [good] works is inactive and ineffective and worthless? Faith with out works is dead! Plain and simple, show me a man who is executing what God said I’ll show you a man who is “Ready to Reign!”

Let’s get in the ready position so that we can receive all that God has for us! I love you and remember that….

Join me for the next
“Reign in Life!” Women’s Bible Study!
December 17th 2009 6-7p
Or every 3rd Thursday
Email me for details!

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