Saturday, January 23, 2010

Be Careful of Your Time; If You Want to Reign!

I like the Message Bible’s version of Proverbs 4:25 Keep your eyes straight ahead: ignore all sideshow distractions.
Some events and people come into your life to be a sideshow distraction. You see once you have made up your mind to focus on your focus, Satan is not going to just sit idly by and let you accomplish your goal without a fight! He will send him, her, them and it to try and take your time away from what you are supposed to be doing. 

Sometimes we can be our own sideshow distraction, busy doing things that are really not a priority and doesn’t have anything to do with our goal! I heard someone say, “I don't participate in anything that does not support my objectives or goals.” In other words, if my focus is to get out of debt and my friends spend a great deal of their time hanging out, spending money and shopping, of course these activities don’t line up with my objectives or my goal of getting out of debt.

These particular friends I need to spend less or no time at all with right now. I should not participate in these kinds of activities, because I am focusing on my focus, which is to get out of debt. Even when you have family members whose goals are not lined up with yours, you need to be mindful of your mission and deal with them accordingly. I did not say that you have to cut your friends off and never see them again; although sometimes this is necessary in order to stay focused and connected to your goals. You should be spending your time with people whose focus is the similar to yours; people who can encourage you and hold you accountable to your goals and vice versa.

This is an excerpt from chapter 1 of my book "How to Reign in Life!"

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