No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.
God is on your side, He will never let you down! No matter what you may be facing right now God has already planned your escape! It may have took you by surprise but not God. You are not the first person to be in this type of situation and you won’t be the last. Don’t let the enemy make you feel like you are the only person in the world dealing with what you are dealing with right now. God has delivered millions of people from what He’s about to deliver you from. God doesn’t play favorites, He’s not a respector of persons just of faith!
Many of the persecutions and afflictions of the righteous BUT GOD DELIVERS us from them ALL! God did not bring the trial (test or tribulation) your way, it was by the hand of Satan or your own. Either way God will use it to make you stronger, wiser, and ready to go to the next level of greatness in Him. Lets look at the amplified version of 1 Corinthians 10:13 For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently. God provided you with a way to escape with the temptation! What? Well, where is it then, where is my way to escape this mess? I can see the mess I’m in but I can’t see the way to get out of it. The reason for this is because you are looking at the mess and not looking unto Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith! You are not looking unto the hills where your help comes from. How do I know this? You can’t focus on two things at once and what you focus on determines how you feel. I will say it again, what you focus on determines how you feel. If you are feeling depressed, defeated and hopeless, it’s because your focus is on your situation and not the Word of God. If you want to change how you feel change your focus. When we continue to focus on the situation and how bleak it looks our peace is disrupted, anxiety, worry and fear overtakes our mind. Even though God is speaking about what to do to get out of this mess, we can’t hear Him because His voice is being drowned out. Remember He speaks in a small still voice. One Word from God acted upon can change your whole life in a heartbeat. It is imperative that we hear from Him Amen! Here are 3 keys to put you in position to hear God’s way of escape.
1. Instead of stressing out, PRAY and put a demand on the Word of God about what you want Him to do. Be specific and have scriptural support. God is not moved by our tears, He’s moved by the faith that we have in His Word. It’s true that His mercy is new to us everyday but what area of our lives that mercy will be applied we have no idea. So you need to be specific. Example; if you need financial increase don’t say “Lord please help me I need some money.” Do say “Lord I thank you for my financial increase of $10,000 according to your Word because You are my Shepherd I shall not lack (Ps 23:1)! You supply all my needs according to your riches and Glory (Phil 4:19)! You give me power to get wealth so that I may establish your covenant on this earth (Deut 8:18)!
2. Begin to Thank and praise God like it’s a done deal! Because it is! Thank Him for the things you do have. Thank Him for your past deliverances (keep a Victory log just for this purpose) We praise God for what He has done, but lets also worship Him just for who He is. He’s God all by Himself, He’s God almighty, He’s the creator of Heaven and Earth! This will change the atmosphere and cause the enemy to flee!
3. Find someone else in need and be a blessing. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you. The first thing that usually happens when we are going through a storm is that we turn inward and put all of our focus on what we are dealing with, we become selfish instead of self-less. We put a closed sign or out of business sign on our hearts. This is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. When you close yourself to others who you have the capability to bless God will close His heart to you. It is imperative that you continue to be a blessing to others this is how the Kingdom of God operates. Seed, time harvest, bless and you will be blessed, give and it shall be given unto you!
Scripture Reference:
Ps. 118:6 Acts 10:34 Heb 11:6 Ps. 34:19 James 1:13 James 1:2
1 Pet. 1:6 Heb 13:2 Ps 121:1-2 1 Ki. 19:2 Phil 4:6-7 amp.
Lam 3:22-23 Acts 16:25-26 Neh 8:10 1 Sam 33-37 James 4:7
Gen 8:22 Pr 11:25 Lu 6:38 1 Jo 5:14-15 amp Rom 10:17
Actually meditate, study, make these scriptures yours! Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God! When you believe the Word God is obligated to bring his Word to pass in your life!
I Pray that this message is a blessing to you, please share it with someone else. This is one of the ways you can be a blessing to someone else so that God can be a blessing to you!
Shelita Williams, Author of “How to Reign in Life!”
Please send any questions, comments, or prayer requests to me via my website
Be blessed and know that not tomorrow, not yesterday but NOW is your time to “Reign in Life!”
Amen for that powerful Word Shelita!!! I know that the temptation will come but Irest in the fact that God has already made a way of escape for me and everyone else who will rest in His word! God bless you woman of God!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracy!