Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Get What You Want!

1. Decide what you want. Many people don’t even begin to sit down and decide what they want. Where do you want to work? What kind of business do you want to start? Do you want to get married? Do you want to improve your marriage? Do you want to write a book? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want financial increase? Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to go back to school? What is it that you truly want out of life right now? Don’t just go over some stuff in your head, write it down.

2. Why do you want it? What is your motivation for what you want? I ask this because you will be challenged by life’s circumstances and obstacles that will try to deter you from what you want. You will need to refer back to your motivating factor to remind and encourage you not to give up on what you want. Make sure your motivating factor is strong enough to keep you in the game of getting what you want. For example if you want financial increase so that you can buy some nice new clothes may not be a strong enough motivating factor. Perhaps you want to gain financial increase so that you can support your family. When you feel the pressure to give up on what you want, then you will refer back to your motivating factor, your family and gain the strength to move forward. Maybe you want to lose weight and your motivating factor is to impress a guy or a girl. Well what happens if they are no longer around? A better motivating factor could be because you want to be healthier and look and feel good about yourself. Whatever you choose as your motivating factor, just make sure it truly motivates YOU! Not me or your husband, wife, kids, mother, etc.

3. Decide what you are going to give in exchange for what you want. The bible refers to this as counting up the cost see Luke 14:28. Are you willing to lose sleep? Are you willing to miss some episodes of CSI or Criminal Minds? Are you willing to say no to the chocolate chip cookies? Are you willing financially to invest in the products, coaching, books, etc. to get what you want? Are you willing to avoid the latte factor? Are you willing to dump bozo so you can get Boaz? Are you willing to pass the house of a whore so that you can obtain favor when you marry your good thing? Pr. 23:7, Pr 18:22. Are you willing to apologize even when it’s not your fault? Write down what are you willing to give in exchange for what you want.

4. Make a plan as to how you will get what you want. This is where the goal sheet comes into play. You must map out what you want and how you are going to get it in detail. Remember a dream without a plan is a mere fantasy. Make your dreams come to life with a plan!

5. Help other people get what they want. I heard Zig Ziglar say “you can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.” This is the law of sowing and reaping, see Luke 6:38, Gen 8:21, Gal 6:7. Just like the law of gravity if you jump you’re going down, if you sow you will grow! Good seeds that is! You should be looking for people to bless and to help them achieve their goals. Napoleon Hill talks about this as going the extra mile. You will receive an ROI; return on your investment but not necessarily from the person that you have helped. Don’t look to them for your ROI but look to God, let your expectation be in him! Ps 62:5

6. Find other people who have what you want and study them, be coached or mentored by them. Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces Pr 13:20 MSG. It’s just as simple as that. Your network determines your net worth. Get around the right people. You need a coach / mentor you can’t do it alone. My Bishop used to say “no man is an island.” I would want to raise my hand and say “but I am.” It was only so far that I could go on my own, I kept hitting the ceiling until I was willing to invest my time, energy and finances in a coach / mentor. Let me say this, if you have the opportunity to be in the presence of someone who you desire to be where they are, sow into their lives, be a blessing to them. Find out what they like, how you can help them. Don’t just take, take, take, it’s a sign of disrespect and a sure way to get booted out of their presence. It irritates me when people come around me who want to be where I am or have access to the knowledge that I have and they may not necessarily have the finances to buy or sow into my life. That doesn’t mean that they can’t type a paper run an errand, make some calls, do something don’t just take from my time and give nothing in return that’s stealing. I’m not saying that like I’m some great wonder or like I have it all together. What I am saying is, that there is a price that I paid and very high one to be where I am and where I am going and people should respect that. If you get offended at what I said either you are a taker or you have never paid a price to be great. Even though greatness is on the inside of us all we must pay the price to manifest it. Okay that was a veggie nugget on the side!

7. Disconnect from others who do not line up with or are not in agreement with what you want. Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character 1 Cor 15:33 AMP. They may not come out directly and say that they are not in harmony with what you want but you will be able to tell by their actions. I was in a relationship and of course I wanted to be married. So did the person I was dating, so they said but their actions said something different. Actions speak louder than words on any given day. I had to disconnect from the relationship because obviously he was not in agreement with what I wanted. If you stay connected to people who are not in agreement with what you want, then your dreams will die plan and simple.

8. Act as if, speak as if and Praise God as if what you want has already manifested. You are created in the image and likeness of God. He created the things that we see from things that can’t be seen, his Words Heb 6:3, Gen 1. If you are going to get what you want you must already believe that you have it. Faith without corresponding action is dead all by itself. Everyone around you should know what you want by your actions and the words you speak. God should know because you praise and thank Him on a daily basis for what you want as if you already have it. I can go deeper into this but I’m over my word count already, LOL! I will be happy to answer any questions you may have

If you do these 8 things you will Get What You Want!! God Bless You!

Shelita Williams Minister, Motivational Speaker and Author of How to Reign in Life!

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