Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Reign is Falling!

In these last days, God is pouring out His Spirit. He wants us to experience the manifestation of His power in our lives in a big way. This message will help prepare your heart and remind you that the Reign is Falling and you need to be ready! No umbrella, rain coat or hat needed! It's time to stop being afraid get wet with the Glory of the Lord!

Minister Shirla Lacerda from Brazil, ministered today these are my personal notes. I changed the word rain to reign in the title on purpose!

We are living in transition times. Don't ever think that you are a nobody or just a face in the crowd. You were born for such a time as this! God wants to use you.

1 chron 12:32 they had an understanding of the times and they knew exactly what to do we need to have understanding of these times so we can know what to do.

Hos 6:3 If we follow the Lord we will know what to do and have understanding.

Deut 11:11, 13-14, 21 if we love and serve the Lord He will bring the rain and we will be living days of heaven upon the earth!

Reference: John 7:37 Jesus is the rain of heaven

The latter rain comes just before the harvest it comes to maximizes the potential of the harvest before a great harvest

The latter rain is a type of Holy Spirit the former rain was limited because it was only given in moderation.

Latter rain is the move of the Spirit in the new testament

We can experience the former and latter rain together!

James 5:7 God has been waiting patiently for the move of the Spirit for souls to be saved

Joel 2:21-23 what He did in the old testament He will do and more in the new testament we will receive a double portion. V 28-29

Acts 2:16 in Greek this was the beginning of the outpouring of the rain but God never starts something and then decreases it. We serve a God of increase, so as the rain continues to be out poured it will increase more and more

We should not be looking back at the old times saying how nice they were, when we did such and such back in the day because we will do more powerful things for God in the latter rain

The books of acts is still being written what verse and chapter are you writing?

Acts 3:19 times of refreshing comes from the presence of God v 20-21 and we will experience restoration of all things before Jesus comes back again!

1906-1910 312 Azusa Street was the beginning of restoration and refreshing. Most important was the restoration of the revival of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

When the people were interviewed who were just children back then, they said they played hide-n-seek in the cloud of Glory that fell down during service! I'm looking for the days when the cloud of Glory will fall down on us!!!!!

1947-58 Oral Roberts was the first to broadcast the healing power of God!

1970’s and 80’s Kenneth E Haggin started the Word of Faith movement! We call it the Word of Life! This movement birthed our Bishop Keith A. Butler and God called Him to come back to Michigan and teach us!!!!

Position and transition yourself to the place where He can use you!

Zac 10:1 Ask for the Rain….Showers of rain not just a drop here or there but showers

It’s time to experience the rain of the Spirit in your home, in your business, in your life!

Prophesy given, this is my interpretation of it: The rain is falling and many of us are saying how come I’m not being blessed. We see others being blessed and God moving in their lives but not ours. We are standing in our homes looking thru the window at the rain afraid to get wet. If we go outside we have on rain coats, rain hats, and umbrellas. The rain falls to left and right of us but never on us. God is saying I need my people to get wet, to come out of their comfort zones. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit, where is your profit where is your increase? You MUST STEP OUT! Go to the unknown. We have to go to a place where God will have to hold our hand because of our fear but eventually we will not be afraid any longer. You can’t experience God in your comfort zone!

Eph 5:17 God doesn’t mind us being drunk. His only concern is by what substance are we getting drunk? How do we get filled or drunk in the Spirit? Well in the natural when people get drunk they pour into their bodies. But God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise and we do it by pouring out, by speaking and singing unto God!

The Rain is falling…let God prepare your heart so that you can receive a mighty harvest!

Thanks to Minister Lacerda for an awesome and timely message! 

Shelita Williams Minister, Motivational Speaker and author of "How to Reign in Life!"


  1. I was in the 11AM service, Minister Williams... As I received the revelation of the Word, my spirit danced to a song that I was reminded of by Min. Lacerda's words-- Send Your Rain by Rev. James Moore I dare you to follow it with It's Gonna Be Alright by Rev. James Moore

    HAVE YOUR DANCING SHOES ON!! Be blessed... Let's go forth and write our chapter(s) and verse(s) in the Book of Acts, shall we?!

  2. Thank you pretty lady! amen I will check them out


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