Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shelita's Weight Loss Testimony!

I don’t have one of those testimonies where I was slim before I had a child, or I was slim when I was younger and just started gaining weight with age. I was overweight my whole life. I can’t ever remember being at a normal healthy weight. I was teased all through out school about my weight. I was always the “big girl” with the cute face.  I was the girl with the triple chins. I was the butt of all the fat jokes. My mom said it was just baby fat and I would grow out of it. Well, at 22 years old and 226 pounds, ma are you sure this is just baby fat? Looking back I just think she was trying to make me feel better because she knew how bad I was hurting inside. 

My self-image was already poor because of the sexual, physical and emotional abuse that took place in my childhood. The weight problem just quadrupled my self-image issues.  I didn’t know anything about eating healthy. I can remember as a child going to the local penny candy store and buying loads of candy and eating it all through out the day. We ate whatever we had in the house at the time. We were poor and sometimes the only thing we had to eat was bread and sugar. The 4 food groups to me were; chocolate, strawberry Faygo, Oreo cookies and macaroni and cheese.

For several years I had been yo-yo dieting. I was on whatever the latest fads were. I would lose a few pounds but as soon as I stopped the diet I gained all the weight back plus additional weight. I’ve done  the slim fast diet, South Beach Diet, Low Carb diet, The Cabbage Soup diet, the Protein Shake Fast diet, the Atkins diet, Nutri-System diet,  just to name a few. I have taken several kinds of dangerous diet pills including Phentermine.

I can remember one time actually getting to my goal weight (at that time) of 160 pounds. I went to a little neighborhood boutique and tried on this very tight fitting jumpsuit that I knew I wouldn’t wear in public unless I wanted to change my profession to a call girl. I recall standing in front of the mirror at the store in awe of myself. Who was that girl? I had never seen her before? She was beautiful! I didn’t know how to act with my new body. I think I stood there staring at myself in the mirror for about 15 minutes. That was my 15 minutes of weight loss fame! The funny part is, that this is the only day I can remember being that weight. It seemed like, even though it was a few months, 24 hours later I gained 30 pounds, and for several years that’s where I stayed.  Even though I would still try to lose the weight I could never reach my weight lose goals.
Even though I knew about exercise and diet there was something obviously missing from my weight loss success strategy. I was missing healing in my emotions from the things that caused to me to emotionally eat.  I was missing a coach/mentor. I had personal trainers before but none armed with the Word of God who had been where I was and who could push me out of my comfort zone and into the Health & Fitness Reign! Carole Stramler didn’t let me give up. Knowing I had to be accountable to her kept me on my toes.  There is only a certain amount of success you can achieve on your own. In order to Reign in Life, you need a coach/mentor to show you the way! If it wasn’t for my PR Coach, Pam Perry, I would still only be sharing this life changing information with friends and family.

Having lost over 75 pounds to date I can say, I’m truly Reigning in Health & Fitness and I love it! As a minister I see women all the time serve in church, serve at home, serve at work or in their businesses but neglect to take care of themselves. I have see women die prematurely or have all kinds of health issues because they are out of God’s priority. I’ve been an R.N for over 16 years, I get to see the end results of what our lives look like when we don’t honor God by taking care of the temple in which He dwells. It’s not pretty, it’s sad, there is not a pill or surgery that can help the pain that some of these women are in. They live a tortured life full of regrets till the day they take their last breath. Prayer only works when you put your faith into it. I always say “it’s insane to expect the Reign when we do nothing to change!”

I have created this program so that we can put action to our faith! Not only will we have health confessions but we have healthy actions to go along with them.

I have created this program so that we can break the generational curse of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other illnesses.

I have created this program so that you can have the confidence, energy and health you need to fulfill God’s Plan for your life!

I have created this program so that you can finally, once and for all, Reign in Health & Fitness!  

Join Shelita Williams, motivational speaker, author & goals coach for the How to Reign in Health & Fitness 6 week Teleseminar Boot Camp! go to for more info! 
For speaking requests or more info about Shelita visit


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