Thursday, December 30, 2010

Transform your Today by Creating a Vision Board of your Tomorrow!

What is a vision board?
Simply put a vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It is sometimes called a goal board or goal map. It is series of pictures or collages put on a poster, foam or peg board. I recommend that you represent not more than 3-5 goals on your vision board so as to maintain the focus and clarity of your board. You may put words or phrases on your board to explain what your goals are but your board should mainly consist of images. Understanding that you should have already written down your goals and created a list of tasks necessary for you to achieve them, (visit to download your free goal sheet) your vision board is the next step.

Why should I have one?
God told Abram to look toward heaven and count the stars and see if he could number them because this is how many seed (natural/spiritual children) he would have on the earth! God wanted to give Abram a visual representation of what God had actually said to him (Gen 15:7) The bible says that people without a vision perish, NIV translation says they “cast of restraint” (pr. 29:18). Having goals and a vision board help us to stay focused on what we really want and not get off track by side-show distractions! The subconscious mind can only see in pictures. All words have to be translated into images before our sub-conscious mind can grasp them. For example If I say “go get the gray horse”. You immediately picture a gray horse in your mind. You don’t see the words “gray horse” sliding across the screen of your subconscious mind. Your number one employee is your subconscious mind. It goes to work day and night looking for ways to bring what you have been meditating on to pass whether it’s good or bad. What we think about most of the time we will become that’s how powerful your sub-conscious mind is. Therefore it is imperative that we spend our time speaking, and visualizing our goals so that they will be manifested in our lives!

How to I create one?
It so simple to create even a child could do it! As a matter of fact I recommend doing it as an arts and crafts project with your children! All you need is a
·        poster board, or foam board
·        clear tape, glue or pegs if using peg board
·        magazine clippings or pictures off the net that represent your goals
·        typed, cut out or handwritten words, phrases, quotes etc. that express your goals.
·        A creative mind! You don’t have to be an artist!

After you have collected all of your materials, remember you need to have written out your goals first (see ). Glue, tape or peg your images and phrases in a creative way to your board. I suggest you make your board annually and place it in a location where you will see it often! Here are some examples of vision boards! Don’t wait get started today!

Shelita Williams motivational speaker and author of “How to Reign in Life!”
I would love to hear from you! If you enjoyed this article please feel free to leave a comment on my blog and don’t forget to visit my website to get your free goal sheet! God Bless!


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Shelita. I will be sharing this with my Facebook friends and I definitely will be getting my board this weekend. One of my vision/goals is to be a homeowner. Thanks again and continue to be a blessing.

  2. Thank you pretty ladies for your comments, God Bless and stay Reigning!

  3. I love this! I am going to make one for 2012 immediately!

  4. Yaay pretty lady Stacy!!!!! I wanna see it!!!1


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