1. Have a Vision/Dream! When he wrote on that index card, he already knew what he wanted to do even at a young age. God has given all of us a vision/dream we need to write it down and make it plain so that we can run with it. Hab 2:2. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day activities of life that we put our dreams on hold, they are so far in the back of our minds that we don’t even remember what it was. Take some time off to dream again! Turn on your dream machine and in your mind create the life that you want and then write it down!
2. Believe in your Dream! We grew up in a very negative environment surrounded by drugs and poverty. We didn’t have any roll models in our immediate environment. It was interesting because during the interview I discovered we were both saying the same thing to ourselves growing up. What we said was that we would just do the opposite of the people around us and we will live better lives. Majority of the kids we grew up with are dead, in jail or on crack. Rubin said he had to believe in his own dream seeing that it wasn’t anyone else around to believe in it. You might be looking for someone to encourage you and believe in your dream with you and find theirs nobody around. Be like David and encourage yourself! 1Sam 30:6. People may tell you that your dream is impossible or ridiculous. Remember it’s your dream, God gave it to you it’s not for them to understand. So many people have let their own dreams die it’s difficult for them to get excited about yours. Surround yourself with dream achievers and eliminate the dream haters!
3. Prepare for the Dream! Abraham Lincoln said, “I will prepare and my opportunity will come!” There were a lot of boys boxing at the gym with my brother. Not all of them achieved their dreams. Some of them didn’t take training time seriously, they were their just to have fun. Rubin said that he came with to the gym already having and believing in his dream. He prepared, he trained, he studied because he knew that his opportunity would come. Another component to preparation is to study your opponent. Before a fight he studied his opponent weaknesses and tried to capitalize on them in the ring. In our pursuit to achieve our dreams the enemy is the inner me. It’s our own fears, and weaknesses that satan uses to capitalize on us in the ring of life! The only way to overcome your fears is to get out there and do the thing you fear the most. The manifestation of your dream is on the other side of what you are afraid to do!
4. Act as if! I remember always seeing Rubin in the mirror confessing over himself that he was the Champion! His entire posture was as if it had already happened. If you didn’t know him you would say, who does he think he is, boy he’s really stuck on himself! Matter of fact if you did know him you would say that! LOL! I don’t even think he realized the power in what he was doing. When I wanted to start my own business I began to act and talk like a business owner. Read and listen to the things that business owners read and listened to. I called myself a business owner long before I ever became one. Sure the people around you make think you are weird, except those who are like minded! You are going to manifest in your life whatever your behavior demonstrates. How you behave is a direct refection of how you think and as a man thinks in his heart so is he! Pr. 23:7 So begin to act as if and eventually it will be!
I hope that you were encouraged to Never Give Up On Your Dream! if so please feel free to comment and share! To listen to the interview go to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/shelita-williams
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